A Pond Farewell

A Pond Farewell

It’s a sad day in the office at N4L as we announce the closure of our education platform, Pond. The platform was initially built to connect educators with curated teaching and learning resources. The theory seemed pretty sound too – if we connect schools to the...
The Cloud

The Cloud

Cloud computing is using remote computers for jobs that were once done by local machines. We call it cloud because the computers are somewhere else on the internet. Most of the time you don’t need to know where they are. When the idea was first developed, people...
Student Internet Safety

Student Internet Safety

Disclaimer: I’m tackling some of the questions we regularly get regarding online safety. I’ve purposely avoided getting too bogged down in technical detail. I’m also not addressing our core firewall and filtering service (there will be more to come on this at a later...
Did you get the memo? Support Hub has arrived…

Did you get the memo? Support Hub has arrived…

Do you want answers? Do you think you’re entitled? I get it; you want the truth. Cool… well, the truth is that you’ll find all you need here. N4L’s excited to introduce Support Hub, a site that’s seen a few good men and women dedicate themselves to enhance your...