Graham has worked in education for over 30 years! Learn more about what led him to N4L and his apporach to everyday customer interactions. Leading the Central North Island crew since April 2023, here is Graham’s story.
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Wēra te whakapaparanga mai
Ko Newport te whenua tupu
Ko Aotearoa te kāinga
Kei Athenree au e noho ana
Ko Flanagan tōku whānau
Ko Graham taku ingoa
Kia ora, I’m Graham! Regional Director for the Central North Island here at N4L.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Wales, UK. My wife and I came to Aotearoa in 2002 and our son, James, was born here in 2008.
What brings you joy outside of work?
I really enjoy walking/hiking, surfing, reading, and spending time with family and friends.
How did you end up working in this role?
I’ve worked in education for over 30 years! I started working in corporate training and development using technology, and then moved into Edtech in the school education sector. I’ve worked with NZ schools and kura since 2010.
What appealed to you about the role?
N4L has a unique role providing faster, safer internet for Aotearoa New Zealand’s schools and kura. N4L has a great team culture, and I love that I can support the relationships that we have with schools.
Tell us about your role.
It’s a real privilege to have the opportunity to visit a range of schools and understand the different approaches to teaching and learning, use of technology and leadership styles. We take a consultative approach, so schools feel understood, and we can then ensure the best solution for the school. N4L also partners with a range of organisations that provide ICT support to schools. Taking this partnership approach helps ensure schools have the wrap around support they need.
What feeds your passion within your role?
Knowing that what we do is meaningful, and supports safer, simpler and smarter learning for kaiako and ākonga. That’s a great feeling!
What does it mean for you personally in the work N4L delivers?
I’m passionate about continuous learning and want to be a part of something that helps kaiako and ākonga in their learning journey. N4L helps provide products and services that allow ākonga the opportunity to learn in a safer online environment which is really important. I believe everyone should be treated with dignity, respect and have equal opportunities, no matter where in Aotearoa they are. This underpins how I treat customers, and my values around equity and fairness.
I’m really looking forward to connecting with schools and kura across the central North Island, from Wellington up to Hamilton, and from Hawke’s Bay and Tairawhiti across to Taranaki.
Meet the rest of the Education and Engagement team by visiting our website.