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Let’s talk privacy

Let’s talk privacy

Protecting personal information (privacy) is a hot topic, especially this year with many people moving to more digital ways of working and learning.   Here at N4L, we’re focused on ensuring we protect the personal information we collect when you’re on the school’s...

Step up your cyber defence

Step up your cyber defence

How do you protect yourself from a karate chop? You step up your game and work on your defence skills. The same goes for protecting yourself online - you step up your game to be protected from digital threats.  Today is the first day of Cyber Smart Week and the theme...

Together for a better internet

Together for a better internet

That’s the theme of this year’s Safer Internet Day, happening 11th of February. The annual global event is about supporting a safer online world and that’s what N4L is here to help with - a safer and more secure online learning environment for schools and kura across...

VPN’s What you need to know

VPN’s What you need to know

We know VPNs are a hot topic for schools and while there can be legitimate needs for them, they can be used as a network workaround.  You’ve heard the acronym but what does it mean?  VPN stands for virtual private network, basically it means a user can send and...

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