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On the road with Creative Commons

On the road with Creative Commons

Creative Commons Aotearoa is hitting the road, taking the message about Creative Commons (CC) to 18 centres across the country. The focus is on schools and those working in schools, but they’re also presenting to galleries, libraries and museums. Here at N4L we’re...

Introducing Pete Hall, our newest addition to the team

Introducing Pete Hall, our newest addition to the team

After working as a Deputy Principal for a few years and then Acting Principal at Upper Harbour Primary School in 2014, I’ve now taken up the challenge of working with the team driving large scale changes to service for the education sector. No one comes to my office...

#educamprotovegas Participants – Thank You

#educamprotovegas Participants – Thank You

We all know that educators are amazing.  The investment that goes into a job like teaching day in, day out couldn't be overstated. And we know that weekends are incredibly important for re-cooping and re-charging (if not on sports trips or doing more planning, then...

Tim Kong on new roles, new conversations and making change

Tim Kong on new roles, new conversations and making change

In July of 2014 I was approached by N4L to act as an advisor on their Interim ICT Advisory Service. It was a unique opportunity to see beyond the school environment that I was in, and to support people in making the best use of their N4L connection. For two days a...

Pioneering the growth of Pond; guest blog by Giles Lancaster

Pioneering the growth of Pond; guest blog by Giles Lancaster

Giles is a teacher and the e-learning coordinator at Marlborough Boys'  College.  He has been part of the Pond rollout and engaged directly with our development team to have a say in the shape Pond takes for the rest of New Zealand's educators.  Here he presents his...

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