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The Cloud Part 2

The Cloud Part 2

Moving to the cloud Moving to the cloud will save money, lighten your workload and give your more flexibility. Yet there is plenty of work to do before you will see the benefit. Cloud computing may be easier than managing your own servers but switching is rarely...

Term 1 2019 IN BRIEF

Term 1 2019 IN BRIEF

What a start to 2019! We know it's a busy time of year so we'll keep this brief, In Brief, that is... Our latest newsletter is brought to you by the letter 'U', it's all about updates and upgrades. While you've been updating your student numbers in time for your March...

Our team of Relationship Managers is growing!

Our team of Relationship Managers is growing!

From left to right Carrie-Anne Freeman, Jonathan Arthur, Sian Willicott, Tim Jones, Hilary Gandy, and Matt Sandilands These are the friendly folk meeting schools like yours. We’ve recently welcomed three new relationship managers during the past five months. The team...

The Cloud

The Cloud

Cloud computing is using remote computers for jobs that were once done by local machines. We call it cloud because the computers are somewhere else on the internet. Most of the time you don't need to know where they are. When the idea was first developed, people would...

Need post upgrade support?

Need post upgrade support?

Upgrading every school with new security technology is going really well, with more than 60% of schools upgraded. If your school has received its Managed Network Upgrade and feels something is not quite right - or if you have any questions, please call our Helpdesk on...

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