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Term one N4L IN BRIEF blog

Term one N4L IN BRIEF blog

Welcome to the Term 1 In Brief newsletter. In this edition we have some exciting project updates, we’re sharing a handy flyer explaining who to go to for network help and our response to the recent phishing campaigns. We also talk about AI and you’ll get to know our...

How AI and N4L are helping prevent cyber threats

How AI and N4L are helping prevent cyber threats

Like any tool, AI can be a force for good or bad. It stands for artificial intelligence, although the code actually only simulates human brains, mimicking traits like learning, conversation, and problem-solving. AI considers the context of a situation, rather than...

Help your ākonga search safely

Help your ākonga search safely

Nervous about what your ākonga might stumble across in their online research? SafeSearch can help you screen out inappropriate content before it pops up in search results. Most schools and kura want their ākonga to use search engines to find information or help with...

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