by N4L | Jan 20, 2015 | Blog
Giles is a teacher and the e-learning coordinator at Marlborough Boys’  College.  He has been part of the Pond rollout and engaged directly with our development team to have a say in the shape Pond takes for the rest of New Zealand’s educators.  Here he...
by N4L | Dec 15, 2014 | Blog, Connect
Elise Goddard is the Director of E-Learning at Mt Albert Grammar School in Auckland. Here she shares her experience working with N4L during MAGS’ recent transition to the Managed Network. MAGS is very fortunate to have the perfect set up to deliver IT services to our...
by N4L | Dec 9, 2014 | Media & Press
N4L’s Managed Network turns one It is now more than a full year since the first schools started using N4L’s (Network for Learning) Managed Network to help fast track their digital learning plans. More than 40 schools across the country have been using N4L’s services...
by N4L | Dec 3, 2014 | Blog
As part of our continuous improvement of the Pond environment we are pleased to launch a new alternative registration option for educators. Any educator working in a NZ school can now register for Pond by going to and completing the new self sign up...
by N4L | Nov 21, 2014 | Blog, Connect
One of the biggest debates currently in education in New Zealand, is around the designing and implementation of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programmes. In my role in Advisory, I’ve spoken with many schools about how best to implement a BYOD policy. The most humbling...