Heading North: Sian Willicott, Client Manager

7.45am and I’m out the door on a chilly autumn morning to top up on gas before heading to my first school visit for the day. Google Maps tells me that I’m about an hour and a quarter away and I head northwest of Auckland. With a perfectly made BP coffee in hand,...

InterfaceXpo in Wellington means bubbles about Pond

The InterfaceXpo series for 2014 kicked off yesterday in Wellington with a great buzz. Delegates were welcomed to the day in the Soundings Theatre of Te Papa by Greg Adams, the editor of Interface Magazine, before other organisations were given the chance to speak....

Online Pond workshops bubbling with excitement

Over the last week we’ve held two online workshops for Pond.  Of course, there was the occasional technological challenge (Andy’s sound going haywire) and the challenge of recording attendance to an open digital workshop with a magic disappearing/reappearing form to...

Northpower Pond workshops a success

A bright sunny day in Whangarei was the perfect backdrop for 37 educators to leap into Pond for the first time. Armed with laptops and high resolution tablets our educators entered the room, soon they would be Pioneer Educators. After a brief explanation of the...