by N4L | Jun 25, 2018 | Blog, Protect
If you know anything about N4L and the work we do, you’ll probably know that we’re all about providing equitable access to a fully funded, fast, reliable and safe internet for New Zealand schools. Actually, we’re not just all about it; it’s central to our mission. And...
by N4L | Jun 25, 2018 | Blog, N4L News
In this edition we update you on the latest news here at N4L, including: An introduction to Larrie Moore, our new CEO How we’re making the Managed Network smarter and safer A focus on Student Internet Safety (part 1) And more… Have questions? Or suggestions what...
by N4L | Jun 25, 2018 | Blog, Protect, Safety & Security
Disclaimer: I’m tackling some of the questions we regularly get regarding online safety. I’ve purposely avoided getting too bogged down in technical detail. I’m also not addressing our core firewall and filtering service (there will be more to come on this at a later...
by N4L | Jun 22, 2018 | Past Network Issues
Update: 8.52am Monday 25th June We can confirm that this issue has been resolved. Work was completed late Friday evening. Update: 3.06pm We believe that the issue is a fibre cut between New Plymouth and Hawera. We will confirm an ETR as soon as we can. Original...
by N4L | Jun 18, 2018 | Media & Press
Rata Street School students to get home internet access for learning via Managed Network Marking the announcement that a pilot enabling Equitable Digital Access for Students of Rata Street School will begin later this year are, from left to right: Chorus CEO Kate...