N4L’s School Survey

N4L’s School Survey

Each year we ask principals to give us their feedback on our services, and share some insights on their school’s technology use. We had more than 450 responses.  Feedback from school Principals is incredibly important. It allows us to hear from schools, helping us...
Term 2 In Brief Newsletter

Term 2 In Brief Newsletter

Welcome to the latest edition of IN BRIEF This issue is jam packed with info about the Managed Network Upgrade, the results from our annual survey to school Principals and the latest home internet access pilot for students using the Managed Network outside the...
Out & About: N4L at Interface 2019

Out & About: N4L at Interface 2019

The Interface Xpo has finished for another year and the N4L team are stoked to have connected with so many educators across the country. It’s an event that N4L really looks forward to. We get to engage face to face with teachers and technology providers and the events...
A safer and more secure internet

A safer and more secure internet

We all know there’s a lot of jargon when it comes to technology, so we teamed up with a group of Year 7-10 students at Ormiston Junior College to explain what we do to keep a school’s internet connection safe and secure – in a way that everyone can understand....