Upgrade nears the finish line

Upgrade nears the finish line

We’re in the final sprint of the upgrade with the last few schools to go!  By the end of the month every school across the country will have a smarter and safer internet connection. We recently visited a few schools to see how they’re getting on after the upgrade....
A Pond Farewell

A Pond Farewell

It’s a sad day in the office at N4L as we announce the closure of our education platform, Pond. The platform was initially built to connect educators with curated teaching and learning resources. The theory seemed pretty sound too – if we connect schools to the...

Pond to close 28 June

N4L keeps student-focussed safe internet services a top priority The Crown company tasked with connecting New Zealand schools to student-focussed internet services, Network for Learning (N4L) will end its support for Pond, a portal for teachers to find and share...
The Cloud Part 2

The Cloud Part 2

Moving to the cloud Moving to the cloud will save money, lighten your workload and give your more flexibility. Yet there is plenty of work to do before you will see the benefit. Cloud computing may be easier than managing your own servers but switching is rarely...