Outage between Masterton and Featherston

We are aware of an outage due to a possible fibre cut which is impacting approximately 50 schools. Roughly 1/3 of these are in Whanganui and the remainder between Masterton and Featherston. Due to the location of this incident, we expect schools to be effected for the...
Managed Network Upgrade Rollout Complete

Managed Network Upgrade Rollout Complete

We’re proud to announce that last week we completed the rollout of new cyber security hardware to all schools and kura around New Zealand! The nationwide rollout, which was part of an upgrade to the Managed Network, has already prevented millions of malicious online...

New Zealand schools better equipped for cyber threats

Rollout of safer and smarter internet to 2,450 schools completed today  WELLINGTON, New Zealand, June 28, 2019 – Schools and kura across New Zealand are now better protected from cyber threats and harmful websites thanks to a nationwide rollout of new...
N4L’s School Survey

N4L’s School Survey

Each year we ask principals to give us their feedback on our services, and share some insights on their school’s technology use. We had more than 450 responses.  Feedback from school Principals is incredibly important. It allows us to hear from schools, helping us...