Let’s talk privacy

Let’s talk privacy

Protecting personal information is a hot topic, especially this year with many people moving to more digital ways of working and learning.  Here at N4L, we’re focused on ensuring we protect the personal information we collect when you’re on the school’s internet, talk...

Outage impacting schools in the Wellington area

5pm: We can see that schools have come back up online and we believe the issue has now been resolved. 2.50pm: Work is still continuing with an expected completion of later this evening. 9am Tuesday 1 December: We are aware the outage is still impacting schools, it is...

Outage on the East Coast of the North Island

Update 9am 26 Nov: Repairs were completed last night and schools should now be back online. Update 4.20pm: Technicians are onsite and are working on repairs with an expected resolution later this evening.  Update 2.10pm: Technicians have located the fibre cut and are...
Introducing our Safe & Secure Internet

Introducing our Safe & Secure Internet

As we all look forward to the festive season and wrapping up what has been an eventful year, we’d like to reassure you that we’re taking care of your school’s online safety and security – so you have one less thing to worry about. 2020 has been extra...