Ruckus SmartZone controller maintenance – 25 May

We’re performing Ruckus SmartZone controller maintenance between 6pm – 11:59pm on Thursday 25 May. During this timeframe, Equipment Replacement and Secure Access schools will be unable to connect new devices and guest vouchers will not be able to connect to the...

F5 Remote Access update on 11 May

We’d like to notify you of a software update for F5 Remote Access on Thursday 11 May. After this update, the software will automatically update for a user the next time they connect to F5 Remote Access. Once this is done, the user will be prompted to reboot their...
Meet Graham Flanagan, our Central Regional Director

Meet Graham Flanagan, our Central Regional Director

Graham is one of N4L’s newest recruits to the Education and Engagement team. Leading the Central North Island crew, we asked Graham to share a bit about himself and his role. Tēnā koutou katoa Ko Wēra te whakapaparanga maiKo Newport te whenua tupuKo Aotearoa te...