Meet Graham Flanagan, our new Central Regional Director

Meet Graham Flanagan, our new Central Regional Director

Graham is one of N4L’s newest recruits to the Education and Engagement team. Leading the Central North Island crew, we asked Graham to share a bit about himself and his role. Tēnā koutou katoa Ko Wēra te whakapaparanga maiKo Newport te whenua tupuKo Aotearoa te...

Outage in the Franklin area

4pm Technicians have been on site since 10:56am today. A faulty card has been identified as the cause. No ETA has been confirmed yet 10am We’re aware of an outage in the Franklin area affecting a number of schools. We’re currently investigating and will share updates...

Connection issue with Secure Access devices

21 April 1pm Repairs to the connection issues have now been resolved We are investigating an issue with devices at our Secure Access schools, which are not connecting to the network. We will investigate further and share more updates as we receive...

Outage in the Lower Hutt area

Update 22nd April: Work has been carried out overnight and we can see that schools have come back online. Update: Technicians are still working to resolve the issue.  We have an ETR of tomorrow morning and we will provide further updates as we have them. Original...