N4L & EDtalks

At the recent ULearn conference held last month N4L had the opportunity to take part in the EDtalks video series. Below are the recordings of John Hanna, CEO, and Chris South, Head of Dynamic Services. John speaks about the reasons N4L was created and the difference...

Schools transitioning to N4L managed network

School names and sneak peek of portal unveiled at ULearn conference The company bringing safe, fast and predictable internet to New Zealand schools, Network for Learning (N4L), today announced the names of more than 20 schools that have begun the transition to its...

N4L welcomes Jack Matthews to the Board

Former media and telecommunications boss Jack Matthews has been appointed to the Board of Network for Learning. His appointment comes as the company progresses its work on building the managed network that will provide New Zealand schools with equitable access to...

Photos: N4L Announcement Event

The photos from the vendor announcement at Mangere Central School have now been published. Following the formal speeches we were invited to visit some of Mangere’s students using digital technologies; was great to see such great work being done. Many thanks...