by N4L | May 23, 2014 | Blog
The InterfaceXpo series for 2014 kicked off yesterday in Wellington with a great buzz. Delegates were welcomed to the day in the Soundings Theatre of Te Papa by Greg Adams, the editor of Interface Magazine, before other organisations were given the chance to speak....
by N4L | May 14, 2014 | Blog
Over the last week we’ve held two online workshops for Pond. Of course, there was the occasional technological challenge (Andy’s sound going haywire) and the challenge of recording attendance to an open digital workshop with a magic disappearing/reappearing form to...
by N4L | May 9, 2014 | Blog, Connect, N4L News
In my role as a client manager for N4L, I have the opportunity to travel the length and breadth of New Zealand, signing up schools to the N4L managed network. I encounter many lovely towns across the country, but few as lovely as the aptly named “Pleasant Point”...
by N4L | May 7, 2014 | Blog
A bright sunny day in Whangarei was the perfect backdrop for 37 educators to leap into Pond for the first time. Armed with laptops and high resolution tablets our educators entered the room, soon they would be Pioneer Educators. After a brief explanation of the...
by N4L | May 5, 2014 | Blog
Pond is expanding this week. Moving from advisor educators helping N4L with specific development to a wider audience of Pioneer Educators who will help shape the direction of Pond. You may be interested in becoming a Pioneer but how do you do that? There are a number...