ICT Advisory announcement

Late yesterday afternoon, Associate Education Minister Nikki Kaye announced N4L’s new interim ICT advisory service to schools available from July 7. To read the whole press release from the Beehive click here

Introducing, N4L’s newest team member

This month a new face joined our Auckland office – Graeme Rayner has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer for N4L, joining our Executive team. Growing up in Auckland, Graeme studied Accounting and Economics at University of Auckland. After graduation he...

New board member announced

This week Associate Minister of Education, Nikki Kaye, announced the addition of a new board member to N4L.  Karen Poutasi will no doubt offer another valuable perspective to our already diverse board. To read the full announcement, click here.

Calling all schools with a pioneering spirit! Pond needs you!

Roll up! Roll up! We are now looking for 10-15 pioneering schools to join us in developing and shaping Pond in a new, whole school environment. After the great success of the Pioneer Educator programme where over 600 educators have jumped into Pond, we’re interested...

And the winner is…

We are incredibly excited and proud to announce that Chris South, our Head of Dynamic Services, has been declared as a regional winner for the Talent Unleashed Awards in the category of Digital Content for his entry showcasing Pond. Chris is then going to compete at...